Oak Haven Farms Daylilies
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Price List (A - P)
Price List (Q - Z)
2015 Introductions
2016 Introductions
2018 Introductions
2019 Introductions
2020 Introductions
General Price List (A - P)
Height of scape in inches, Season of bloom: EE - extra early, E - early, EM - early midseason, MLA - late midseason, La - late, LVa - very late, Re - reblooms, Fragrance: fr - fragrant, v.fr - very fragrant, Blooming: Day blooming unless indicated otherwise, diu - day-blooming, noc. - night blooming, ext. - extended blooming, flowers remaining open 16 hours or more, Foilage Habit: ev. - evergreen (continuous growth)

Apron Strings (Lonnie Ward - 1993) 22"EMRe7.5",ev,fr - Diploid spider, Mauve - $10.00
Blushing Octupus (Pat Stamile - 2004) 39"EEMRe10.5"ev,fr, - Tetraploid spider - Lavender pink self and green throat - $10.00
Boundless Beauty (Pat Stamile - 2005) 28"MRe7.5"sev - Tetraploid - Pastel white blend w/gold edge and green throat - $15.00
Count On It (Joiner - 2003) 24"MLaRe6"sev - Tetraploid - Peach amber self with green throat - $10.00

Crimson Flood (Tim Bell - 2002) 24"MRe6.5",ev - Tetraploid - Red self with yellow green throat - $10.00
Dot Ward (Glenn Ward - 2014) 25"MRe6"ev,fr - Diploid double - Light cream pink self w/yellow green throat - $40.00
Doubly Delicious Dandy (Jeff Salter - 2002) 28"EMRe6.5"ev - Tetraploid Double - Coral pink blend - $20.00
Double Dealing (Glenn Ward - 2018) 29"EMRe7"ev,fr - Diploid double - Light peachy orange with a light rose eye and yellow green throat - $50.00

Eye To Eye (Lonnie Ward - 1993) 18"M3.5",sev,fr - Diploid, Lavender w/violet blue eyezone - $10.00
Double Knit (Glenn Ward - 2018) 29"EMRe7"ev,fr - Diploid Double - Pink with cream midribs and yellow green throat - $50.00
Dragonfly Passion (Glenn Ward - 2015) 8"La32"dor - Diploid UF - Lavender purple blend with slightly darker band & yellow green throat - $50.00
Harp Strings (Lonnie Ward - 2003) 33"MRe7"sev, fr - Diploid Spider, Baby ribbon pink w/rose eye - $10.00