Oak Haven Farms Daylilies
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2020 Introductions
General Price List (Q - Z
Height of scape in inches, Season of bloom: EE - extra early, E - early, EM - early midseason, MLA - late midseason, La - late, LVa - very late, Re - reblooms, Fragrance: fr - fragrant, v.fr - very fragrant, Blooming: Day blooming unless indicated otherwise, diu - day-blooming, noc. - night blooming, ext. - extended blooming, flowers remaining open 16 hours or more, Foilage Habit: ev. - evergreen (continuous growth)
Peacock Maiden (1982 - Kate carpenter) 31"MRe9.5",ev,fr,ext - Diploid UF, Purple w/creamy white eye - $10.00